Land for sale


Land for sale

Moorfield Road, Whittlesford, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB22

Our Summary

  • This vacant site is offered for sale by way of a conditional contract subject to planning
  • A planning application (ref: S/4751/18/fl) for 8 dwellings was refused by South Cambridgeshire District Council on 11 February 2019
  • A planning application (ref: 22/02230/ful) for 6 dwellings was refused in December 2022


parties should make their own enquiries of the service providers. Viewing Interested parties are encouraged to make their own inspection of the site. Price A guide price of £300,000 is quoted for the freehold interest. <> This property description has been summarized to provide a concise overview of the opportunity, location, description, planning history, tenure, and other pertinent details such as services and viewing arrangements. The site is a vacant piece of land in Whittlesford, South Cambridgeshire, with a guide price of £300,000, offered with vacant possession and subject to all existing wayleaves and easements. The land has previously been the subject of planning applications for residential development, with the most recent application for 6 dwellings being refused due to concerns over car parking, overbearing development, loss of light, and noise impact from the nearby A505. The site benefits from proximity to Whittlesford Parkway Train Station and good transport links via the M11 and A11 motorways. Interested parties are advised to conduct their own due diligence regarding services and make their own site inspections.
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