Farm land for sale


Farm land for sale

Land At, Retford Road, South Leverton, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0HE

Our Summary

  • OtherOVERAGEIn the event that planning permission is granted within 25 years of the completion date for any purpose other than solely Agricultural, the Buyer and their successors in title will pay the Seller and their successor in title 30% of the increase in value of the land with the benefit of planning permission over its existing use value


The property consists of 64.63 acres of productive Grade 3 arable land located in two well-sized square parcels in the Parish of South Leverton, Retford. The land is shown hatched blue on the sale plan and is enclosed by hedged boundaries with a gated entrance directly off the public highway. The land is described as slowly permeable reddish clayey soils over mudstone, and the two parcels benefit from a straw stack located in parcel 4327. The property is located approximately 5 miles east of the town of Retford and is accessible through internal roads between the fields. The sale is offered as a whole by informal tender, and all tenders must reach the seller's agent by 12 noon on Friday, June 14, 2024.
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