Plot for sale
Derby, Derbyshire
Derby, Derbyshire
Our Summary
- Strategically located land with potential for development (subject to obtaining planning permission)
- Consequently, the policy requires development in these areas to be ‘small scale and have regard to maintaining access to local shopping and other facilities that meet day to day needs’
- Of particular relevance to the Property, the criteria states that the Council will require ‘the expansion of Heatherton Neighbourhood Centre to provide extended shopping facilities and community uses, including a small supermarket
- In considering application for planning permission, the Council will have particular regard to:• The height and design of development
- Whilst the above provisions of the Policy E30 need to be considered by any development proposals in the Safeguarded Area, they do not compromise an overriding constraint to development
- Emerging Planning PolicyOn the 8th December 2021, the Council’s Cabinet approved the commencement of work on a new Local Plan for Derby
- The new Plan will address challenges facing Derby, including:• Accommodating the Government’s revised housing requirements (Note: a 35% uplift in housing requirement was attributed to the twenty largest Cities and Urban Centres in England, including Derby)
- Planning History According to the Council’s online planning records, the Property has formerly been included within the application boundary associated with the outline planning applications submitted on the adjoining strategic housing allocation site as follows:Application reference: 03/08/00445 - Residential development of land also including Business Units (Use Class B1), Retail Unit (Use Class A1) other Retail, Commercial and Community Uses (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, D1 and D2), Site for Primary School, formation of Vehicular access, provision of Open Space, landscaping services, and associated works, Land east of Rykneld Road, Littleover Derby – application withdrawn November 2008
The property is a strategically located land in Littleover, a suburb of Derby, with potential for development subject to obtaining planning permission. The land is currently laid to permanent pasture and is bordered by mature hedges, with access via Hollybrook Way. The surrounding area features a mix of residential and commercial uses, including a medical center, supermarket, and community center. The property is located within the Derby City Centre Local Planning Authority and is surrounded by adopted planning policies, including the Derby City Local Plan Part 1 Core Strategy and the Rykneld Road Housing Development SPD. The policies aim to sustain and enhance the vitality and viability of the Neighbourhood Centre, which the property is part of, and to promote small-scale retail and services that meet local needs. The property's southern boundary adjoins a strategic housing allocation for 900 dwellings, and the surrounding area is expected to undergo significant development in the coming years.