Plot for sale


Plot for sale


Our Summary

  • Outline planning permission was approved by Torridge District Council in October 2020 (ref: 1/0701/2018/OUTM) for the development of up to 34 houses and associated engineering works


KLP is offering for sale a greenfield development site in Dolton, situated on the eastern edge of the village, bounded by existing residential development to the north and west, and agricultural land to the east. The site has outline planning permission for up to 34 houses and associated engineering works, with a subsequent reserved matters application approved for the development of 25 dwellings, including 8 affordable and 17 open market homes. The site rises gently from south to north, covering approximately 1.55 hectares or 3.83 acres. The surrounding area features a mix of bungalows and houses, with the existing residential properties to the west along Aller Road and those to the north along Barfield Close and Orchard Gate.
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