Farm land for sale


Farm land for sale

Land At Smear Farm, Rissemere Lane East, Reydon, Southwold, Suffolk, IP18 6SR

Our Summary

  • The property has been identified within the National Grid LionLink project documents as being on the potential cable route if the Reydon marshes landfall site is used
  • AGENT'S NOTEThe property is sold subject to an overage for 30-years at 10% of the increase in the site value due to a planning permission for development, or a later revised or varied planning permission which increases the value
  • The value will be assessed at the date of planning permission and payable on commencement of the development, allowing the costs of obtaining the permission(s) as a deduction


assistant Here is a summary of the property description in a single paragraph: The land at Smear Farm, located near Reydon, extends to approximately 25.85 hectares (63.88 acres) and offers a unique opportunity to acquire an attractive block of arable land for agricultural, environmental, amenity, or investment purposes. The land is divided into four parcels, bordered by well-established hedges, and is situated within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The property is included in a 5-year Countryside Stewardship Scheme, which generates an annual income of circa £17,896, and has been identified as Grade 4 by the Provisional Agricultural Land Classification. The land is also subject to a Countryside Stewardship Agreement, which the purchaser will be obligated to take on from completion, and an overage clause for 30 years at 10% of the increase in site value due to a planning permission. The property is available for viewing during daylight hours with a copy of the sale particulars in hand, having formerly agreed the time and day with the selling agents.
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