Land for sale


Land for sale

Knolle Park, Church Road, Liverpool, Liverpool, L25 6HT

Our Summary

  • 56 ACRES) WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL SUBJECT TO PLANNING Description The property comprises the site of the former St Gabriel's House, a Grade II Georgian Villa, that was used during the early part of the 20th century as a children's home and has since fallen into disrepair
  • PLANNING The property is considered to have development potential for a variety of uses and the most recent planning consents granted (now expired) include: Application 15F/2676: Approved on 09-08-2016 - Full Planning Permission (and Listed Building Consent Under Application 15L/2677) to erect extension to, and carry out associated external alterations, in connection with conversion of main building into 35 apartments with undercroft and covered parking; erect 15 new dwellings; extend and refurbish St Gabriels Lodge to create a single dwelling; erect new dwelling utilising the remnants of the Orangery; layout internal access roads, paths and landscaping; close up existing western vehicular access to Beaconsfield Road; reconfigure existing eastern vehicular access to Beaconsfield Road; reconfigure and widen access to Church Road; and demolish the German wing extension to the main building, Gardeners Cottage, Taylor House, the Hollies and all other non-listed buildings on site
  • Application 12F/1571: Approved on 01-11-2012 Full Planning Permission (and Listed Building Consent Under Application 12L/1574) to demolish various buildings and erect care village for the elderly comprising:- 3 storey block (E) incorporating basement element containing 60 bed care home with 17 suites for convent/staff accommodation; create communal leisure facility block (D) constructed into landscape with low level glazed lightwells and communal structure over; part 3/part 4 storey block (C) with raised central roof element containing 49 extra care apartments with associated facilities linked to St Gabriel's House; refurbishment and conversion of St Gabriel's House, block (B) to form 7 extra care apartments with associated facilities and lift extension at rear; refurbishment of St Gabriel's Lodge, block (A); refurbishment/alterations to Gardeners Cottage, block (G); erection of new orangery, block (F) in location of original orangery with potting shed at rear; reconfigured access onto Beaconsfield Road; together with associated car parking, landscaping and other ancillary works


This Grade II Georgian villa, known as St Gabriel's House, sits on a large site of approximately 5.56 acres and has development potential for various uses. The property has a rich history, having been used as a children's home in the early 20th century, but has since fallen into disrepair. Despite its current state, the property has previously been granted planning consents for significant developments, including a care village for the elderly and a residential scheme comprising apartments and extra care homes. However, the property is currently subject to an Enforcement Notice, which would need to be complied with by the new owner. The notice is dated July 2017 and a copy is available upon request.
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