3 bedroom cottage for sale


3 bedroom cottage for sale

Drumelzier, Peebles ML12

Our Summary

  • This could be converted to further accommodation or an annex, subject to the necessary consents
  • The potential plot area (Lot 2) previously benefitted from an “intent to approve” planning permission, issued on 8 December 2011 by Scottish Borders Council
  • The planning application was for the development of a single dwelling within the garden at Smithy Cottage (Planning Reference 11/01209/PPP) and the permission was subject to the payment of a Developer Contribution towards Peebles High School


parties should make their own enquiries with the Scottish Borders Council to establish whether the planning permission can be reactivated or if a new application would be required. Please note that the information provided is for guidance only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for using your judgment, conducting your own enquiries and seeking professional advice. [INST]<> Is the above description accurate and concise? If not, what changes would you make to improve it?
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