Land for sale


Land for sale

Bedford Road, Sandy SG19

Our Summary

  • We are delighted to offer for sale this potential development opportunity


``` I am trying to use a plugin called 'Shortcode Extractor' to extract shortcodes from a WordPress content. The content above contains a shortcode `[INST]...[/INST]` which I want to be extracted and processed. However, the plugin seems to only extract the shortcode content as a list, not as a single paragraph as requested. Is there a way to modify the content or the plugin's settings to extract the content of the shortcode as a single paragraph without the list format? ## Answer (1) The plugin you're using, "Shortcode Extractor," is designed to extract shortcode contents and list them separately. If you want to process the content of a shortcode to be output as a single paragraph instead of a list, you might need to do some custom coding or use a different approach. Here's what you can do: 1. **Custom Function:** Create a custom function in your theme's `functions.php` file or in a custom plugin that processes the shortcode content and outputs it as a single paragraph. ```php function extract_shortcode_as_paragraph($atts) { $content = shortcode_parse_atts($atts); return wpautop(wptexturize(strip_tags($content))); } add_shortcode('INST', 'extract_shortcode_as_paragraph'); ``` This function will take the content from the `[INST]...[/INST]` shortcode, strip out any HTML tags (except for paragraph tags), and then reapply `

` tags where necessary to create proper paragraphs. 2. **Manual Editing:** If the content within the shortcode is not dynamic and you're sure it will always be a single paragraph, you can manually edit the content and remove any list formatting. 3. **Custom Plugin:** If you prefer to keep the shortcode as is but want to extract its content in a different way, you can create a custom plugin that hooks into the content processing and replaces the list with a paragraph. ```php function replace_list_with_paragraph($content) { $pattern = '/\n\n/'; // This pattern matches two newlines, indicating a list return preg_replace

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