


Cherry Garden Lane, Maidenhead SL6

Our Summary

  • This is a freehold plot of land with no uplift clauses


Plot 15 is a freehold parcel of land located at the rear of housing off Cherry Garden Lane in Woolley Green, Maidenhead. The plot measures approximately 13m x 38m x 13m x 38m and covers an area of 490 sq.m. The land is suitable for various uses, including leisure, occasional camping, or growing produce, but requires no permission from the local authority for its intended purposes. The plot has a shared Right of Way registered with the Land Registry, providing 24/7 access. The land is shown in green on the attached overhead views, and a surveyor can mark out the exact dimensions with pegs for an additional fee. The land type is pasture, and the property address is Land at Cherry Garden Lane, Maidenhead, SL6 3QF. Please note that there is no permission for any use of the land, and it is advised to make your own inquiries with the local authority before erecting any fencing.
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